OVM Cheatsheet

OVM Cheat-sheet pdf download

OVM Cheat-Sheet
ovm_base_class can be ovm_object, ovm_component, ovm_sequencer, ovm_sequence
Factory registration macros for a class derived from ovm_base_class
Create instance of an object
my_obj = my_obj_class::type_id::create(“my_obj”,this);
my_obj_class should be a class derived from any ovm_base_class
OVM data macros

_interfix can be empty, array, queue, object
suffix can be int, enum, object, string, int, object, string
_interfix can be int, object, string
_interfix can be object, string
Global functions and variables
ovm_top, factory, run_test, global_stop_request, set_gloabl_timeout, set_globa_stop_timeout, build_ph, connect_ph, end_of_elaboration_ph, start_of_simulation_ph, run_ph, extract_ph, check_ph, report_ph
Set/Get Interface

prefix can be set, get
suffix can be int, object, string
ovm_report_ suffix(
string id,
string message,
int verbosity=0,
string filename="",
int line=0)
suffix can be info, warning, error, fatal

_interfix can be empty, blocking, non_blocking
suffix can be put, peek, get, get_peek, analysis


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